Power Breaking Rules
Individual Power Breaking
Power breaking is for juniors and seniors only. Every competitor should choose the starting amount of the breaking boards for each technique. Breaking boards have two types: WHITE (3 points, half-broken 2 points) – HALF BLACK board (2 points, half-broken 1 point). The WHITE boards can be selected in any amount, HALF BLACK boards can be chosen only once per technique.
E.g.: Female ap palkup taerigi. The competitor’s chosen number of boards is one white and one half black board. Upon successful breaking the competitor gets 3 (broken white) + 2 (broken half black) = 5 points. For an unsuccessful, invalid attempt the competitor gets 0 points. For not complete success, e.g. the white board is not completely broken, but the half black is broken, the competitor gets 2 (half-broken white) + 2 (broken half black) = 4 points. In the event of a tie the Jury President will select one technique from the list by drawing to be the tiebreaker. The number of boards will be decided based on the international (ITF) rules. Tiebreaking will continue based on ITF tiebreaking rules.
MALE: 1. Ap Joomuk jirugi 2. Songkal taerigi 3. Yop chagi 4. Dollyo chagi 5. Bandae dollyo chagi
FEMALE: 1. Ap palkup taerigi 2. Songkal taerigi 3. Yop chagi 4. Dollyo chagi 5. Bandae dollyo chagi
Techniques will be performed with a breaking frame unit. After performing the five techniques, the final score will be obtained by adding up the points gained for each technique.
NEW! Cadets will have a chance to compete in a power measurement category for hand techniqes.
In this category, cadet competitors can use Songkal or Yop choomok taerigi to hit the power cell target. After performing the hand technique, the power level of the strike will be displayed. The competitors can hit the target three (3) times. The power level of the 3 hits will be summarized. The competitor with the highest score will be the winner.
Team Power Breaking
Power breaking is for juniors and seniors only. Every competitor should choose the starting amount of the breaking boards for each technique. Breaking boards have two types: WHITE (3 points, half-broken 2 points) – HALF BLACK board (2 points, half-broken 1 point). The WHITE boards can be selected in any amount, HALF BLACK boards can be chosen only once per technique.
E.g.: Female ap palkup taerigi. The competitor’s chosen number of boards is one white and one half black board. Upon successful breaking the competitor gets 3 (broken white) + 2 (broken half black) = 5 points. For an unsuccessful, invalid attempt the competitor gets 0 points. For not complete success, e.g. the white board is not completely broken, but the half black is broken, the competitor gets 2 (half-broken white) + 2 (broken half black) = 4 points. In the main round the techniques should be performed by different members of the team, but in tiebreaking in each round any selected competitor might perform the chosen technique.
In the event of a tie the Jury President will select one technique from the list by drawing to be the tiebreaker. The number of boards will be decided based on the international (ITF) rules. Tiebreaking will continue based on ITF tiebreaking rules.
MALE: 1. Ap Joomuk jirugi 2. Songkal taerigi 3. Yop cha jirugi 4. Dollyo chagi 5. Bandae dollyo chagi
FEMALE: 1. Ap palkup taerigi 2. Songkal taerigi 3. Yop cha chirugi 4. Dollyo chagi 5. Bandae dollyo chagi